Lowongan Google Indonesia November 2020

Daftar Isi
Lowongan Google Indonesia , lowongan kerja google terbaru, lowongan 2020, lowongan kerja terbaru
- Semangat pagi Indonesia, berikut ini informasi lowongan kerja yang datang dari salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang teknologi kelas dunia, yaitu:Google Indonesia. Profil perusahaan ini anda dapat lihat sebagai berikut ini.Google LLCadalah sebuah perusahaan multinasional Amerika Serikat yang berkekhususan pada jasa dan produk Internet. Produk-produk tersebut meliputi teknologi pencarian, komputasi web, perangkat lunak, dan periklanan daring.Sebagian besar labanya berasal dari AdWords.Pada 10 Agustus 2015, Google melalui postingan blog, CEO Google Larry Page mengumumkan pembentukan perusahan baru bernama Alphabet yang akan menjadi perusahaan induk mencakupi Google dan usaha-usaha lain yang tak terlalu terkait erat dengan bisnis utama Google. Pada restrukturisasi tersebut, Larry Page akan menjadi CEO perusahaan baru Alphabet. Sergey Brin menjabat sebagai President didampingi Erich Schmidt sebagai Executive Chairman. Sedangkan, CEO Google akan dijabat oleh Sundar Pichai.
Untuk mendukung kinerja perusahaan ini, Google Indonesia di bulan November 2020 membuka lowongan kerja dengan posisi sebagai berikut.

SA360 Account Manager, Google Marketing Platform (Bahasa Indonesia)

Minimum qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 2 years of relationship management experience in media, marketing or advertising.
  • Ability to speak and write in English and Bahasa Indonesia fluently.
Preferred qualifications:
  • Experience in creating new business and/or account management.
  • Experience working with cross-functional teams and building relationships across internal teams.
  • Experience with Ad Serving, Rich Media, Search Management, Real Time Bidding, DSPs, SSPs, and Ad Exchanges. Knowledge of SA360.
  • Familiarity with digital media buying and selling processes. Knowledge of Search Engine Marketing Bid Management technologies and Google Analytics or similar analytical platform.
  • Ability to develop partners at various levels within the digital marketing and advertising industry across SEA markets.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Head, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google Cloud

Minimum qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience.
  • 12 years of experience working in national politics, government, think tanks, non-profit, or corporate public policy.
  • Policy experience dealing with technology and challenges impacting the internet.
  • Preferred qualifications:
  • International experience working with high-tech regulators, standards bodies, policy-makers, and regulated industries, and a legal background.
  • Experience in public policy and knowledge of challenges impacting cloud computing.
  • Experience with privacy, trust, compliance, and security from technical, regulatory, and commercial perspectives.
  • Ability to write and translate complex issues into a language suitable for technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Excellent judgment, communication and presentation skills.
  • Ability to speak/read/write Indonesian Bahasa fluently, and experience / exposure to Indonesia market.

Head of Partnerships, Google Cloud

Minimum qualifications:
  • 8 years of experience in a B2B sales, independent software vendor or consultancy role.
  • Experience working with cloud platforms in Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
Preferred qualifications:
  • Experience in managing partner businesses by working through the pipeline, sales and deployment cycle.
  • Experience with advocating for business software, with the ability to advocate cloud computing platforms and services.
  • Demonstrated ability to navigate in highly ambiguous work environments.
  • Effective interpersonal, communication, leadership and presentation skills, with the ability to collaborate in a multi-regional, dynamic team.
Cross-Google Partner Manager, Partnerships Solutions

Minimum qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degree in a business-oriented/technical field or equivalent practical experience.
  •  6 years of experience, within one or more of the following fields: Partnerships, Business Development, Sales, Consulting, Strategy.
  •  Experience influencing across different functions and levels in a matrixed, cross-functional environment. Experience working with executives.
  •  Ability to speak and write in Bahasa Indonesia fluently.
Preferred qualifications:
  • MBA, Master's degree or equivalent.
  • Working experience in Indonesia and relevant professional network.
  • Experience formulating company strategy, and developing and closing strategic partnerships.
  • Ability to analyze strategic / complex issues and formulate a path for advancement. Ability to operate with enthusiasm and flexibility in a fast-paced, constantly evolving and collaborative environment.
  • Ability to take initiative, demonstrating effective analytical, communication, and negotiation skills.
  • A deep understanding of the industry's issues, a vision for its growth, and a commitment to advance Google's forward-looking strategies within the region.

Partner Solutions Consultant, YouTube

Minimum qualifications:
  • 5 years of experience in account/partner management with media, internet or mobile content.
  • Experience working with one of more scripting languages (i.e. Java, Python, PHP, XML or similar). Experience with Unix/Linux systems and scripting languages.
  • Engineering and client-facing experience.
  • Ability to speak and write in English and Bahasa Indonesian fluently and idiomatically.
Preferred qualifications:
  • Experience with internet video technologies (e.g. Digital Rights Management [DRM] solutions, video or audio codecs, CDN, live streaming, 360/VR, etc).
  • Effective project management and communications skills, with the ability to prioritize and work well in a team environment with competing demands.
  • Creative thinker, with the ability to work well in a globally distributed cross-functional environment.
Bagi kawan kawan memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di Google Indonesia, silahkan mendaftar secara online melalui website recruitment google indonesia, melalui link dibawah ini.
SA360 Account Manager ---> Daftar Online
Head, Government Affairs and Public Policy ---> Daftar Online
Head of Partnerships ---> Daftar Online
Cross-Google Partner Manager ---> Daftar Online
Partner Solutions Consultant ---> Daftar Online

Untuk Sumber Informasi Dapat Anda Lihat Melalui Link dibawah ini.
Sumber Informasi

Note: Untuk anda yang ingin mendapatkan informasi lowongan kerja (20K orang telah bergabung) melalui Channel Telegram kami silahkan gabung disini.

Mohon Jadi Perhatian:
  • Mohon persyaratan dibaca dengan baik dan benar.
  • Lowongan kerja tidak dipungut biaya (gratis), apapabila ada pihak yang perusahaan meminta sejumlah biaya transportasi dan atau akomodasi lainnya untuk alasan rekrutmen. Maka dapat dipastikan lowongan tersebut tidak benar alias palsu. 
  • Jangan Lupa Follow Instagram @lowongancpnsbumn untuk update lowongan kerja terbaru setiap hari.
  • Jangan lupa bagikan informasi pekerjaan ini ke rekan anda melalui WhatsApp dan Facebook, ingat "Semakin banyak anda berbagi maka Semakin banyak anda akan menerima.''
Lowongan Google Indonesia November 2020