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cdcindonesia.com - Morning enthusiasm for all job seekers, here is information on job vacancies coming from one of the companies engaged in pawnshop in Indonesia, namely:
PT Pegadaian (Persero) - Pegadaian is one of the largest State-Owned Corporation (BUMN) in Indonesia with specializing in Financial Service. Pegadaian has a core business focus on pawning loan services. Pegadaian has a monopoly on fiduciary service in Indonesia. Pegadaian has it's business activities focused on 3 sectors: financing, gold, and various services. Its products and services include Pawn Financing, Micro-Fiduciary Financing (Conventional and Sharia Scheme), Gold Business, and Other Services. PT Pegadaian (Persero) is a non-listed state-owned company and is 100% owned by the Government of Indonesia. Pegadaian is recognized as one of the oldest companies in Indonesia. The history of Pegadaian goes back to 1746 when Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC or The United East India Company) established Van Leening Bank as a financial institution that provides credit with a pawn system. Established the first state-owned Pegadaian in Sukabumi West Java on 1 April 1901. After several times changes in its status, the name of PT Pegadaian (Persero) officially launched in 2012.As of December 2018, Pegadaian conducted business operations in all parts of Indonesia under the management of 12 regional offices, 59 area offices, 642 branch offices, 3.579 branch unit offices spread in all over Indonesia and directly employs 13,059 employees. Pegadaian also supported by nearly 12,943 employees. Pegadaian supported by 4 subsidiary companies and 1 associated company; PT Balai Lelang Artha Gasia (99.99%), PT Pesonna Optima Jasa (99.00%), PT Pesonna Indonesia Jaya (99.00%), PT Pegadaian Galeri Dua Empat (99.99%), and PT Pefindo Biro Kredit (23.37%).
In line with its continued expansion program,
PT Pegadaian (Persero) is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:
Tenaga Pendukung Transakasi Kas (Kantor Wilayah Jakarta 1)
- Pendidikan minimal SLTA
- Usia minimal 20 tahun dan maksimal 26 tahun (per 31 Maret 2020)
- Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman sebagai kasir minimal 1 (satu) tahun
- Diutamakan belum menikah
- Tidak sedang dalam kondisi mengandung atau program hamil
- Komunikatif (mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif)
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Dapat bekerja dalam team maupun bekerja mandiri, memiliki integritas yang baik dan teliti
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer menggunakan Microsoft Office (Ms. Excel, Word, Power Point)
- Berbadan sehat dan tidak bertato
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh area Kantor Wilayah VIII sesuai dengan formasi yang tersedia
- Diutamakan Putra/i daerah yang berasal dari Wilayah Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Timur, Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, Karawang dengan pembagian Area sebagai berikut :
- Bogor
- Kramatjati
- Bekasi
- Senen
- Jatiwaringin
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar
For more detail information, please refer official source from
PT Pegadaian (Persero) on following the link below. Should you are interested and qualified, please register directly to the Pegadaian e-recruitment system with a link as follow.
Apply Online
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.