Perusahaan Umum DAMRI - Penerimaan Untuk Staf Administrasi (SA) February 2020

Daftar Isi
Perusahaan Umum DAMRI, karir Perusahaan Umum DAMRI, lowongan kerja Perusahaan Umum DAMRI, lowongan kerja 2020 - Indonesian morning enthusiasm, the following is information on job vacancies coming from one of the companies engaged in transportation in Indonesia, namely:Perusahaan Umum DAMRI - Perum DAMRI or referred to as "DAMRI" is an Indonesian state-owned company that involved in the transportation industry. DAMRI has core business inland transportation services. DAMRI was first established in 1946 as Djawatan Angkotean Motor Indonesia under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia under Promulgation of the Minister of Transportation No 01 / DAM / 46. DAMRI was formed as a merger results of 2 transportation companies, Djawatan Pengangkutan and Djawatan Angkoetan Darat. The name of Perum DAMRI officially launched in 2002. Headquartered in Jakarta, DAMRI now has 4 regional division offices, located at Regional Division I Jakarta, Regional Division II Semarang, Regional Division III Surabaya, and Regional Division IV Jayapura.
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, now Perusahaan Umum DAMRI is in need of the following staff for employment as follows:

Staf Administrasi (SA)

  • Maximum age of 28 years old.
  • Minimum Associate Degree (D3).
  • Placement in Perum DAMRI Tanjung Selor.
Required application documents
  • Application letter;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Legalized copies of diploma and transcript;
  • Copy of ID Card;
  • Copy of Family Card (KK);
  • Drug-free certificate;
  • SKCK;
  • Job Seeker's Identity Card (Kartu Kuning) from Disnakertrans
  • Color Photograph 4x6 (4 sheets).
Note: Gabung 10 Ribu member kami untuk mendapatkan informasi seputar dunia kesehatan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan motivasi , silahkan klik disini.

For further information, please refer official source from Perum DAMRI on following the link below. Should you are interested and qualified, please send all required application documents above to
Please write "LAMARAN_(YOUR NAME)_STAF ADMINISTRASI (SA)" in your email subject.
Official Information
Latest date 15 February 2020.All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment.