PT Bahana TCW Investment Management - Penerimaan Untuk Posisi Management Trainee Operation Bahana Januari 2020
Daftar Isi |
Untuk Mendukung dan memperkuat bisnis perusahaan, PT Bahana TCW Investment Management membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
Special Hire Program (Management Trainee) - Operation (SHPOPRBTIM)"
- Gelar sarjana dalam bidang apa pun (lebih disukai Bisnis, Ekonomi, Akuntansi, Sains, atau jurusan terkait) dari universitas terkemuka dengan CGPA minimum 3,00 dari 4,00 atau setara.
- Cerdas teknologi.
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan).
- Memiliki minat dan pemahaman yang besar di bidang Ekonomi, Keuangan, dan Pasar Modal.
- Bergairah dalam "proses" dan "detail", pembelajaran berkelanjutan, dan berprestasi tinggi.
- Berorientasi pada Hasil-Pelanggan-Solusi
- Pola pikir Out-of-the-Box
Studi Kasus:
BTIM has various mutual fund products in its business, ranging from equity, fixed income, money market, balanced, & discretionary funds. More than 100 products now exist in Indonesia’s financial universe, but BTIM is more well-known for its Fixed Income products. Now, its money market product (Bahana Dana Likuid) keeps on gaining popularity among investors, retail in particular. Each products have different profit margin profiles. Equity products are among the most profitable products, while fixed-income products typically have the lowest profit margins. The margins for other products are between those two.
To handle such wide range of products, we divide BTIM into three different sections, Marketing & Product Development, Investment, and Operations. Marketing & Product Development’s main job is to get good understanding of investor’s point of view as to what they need and how to achieve it through appropriate investment products. Meanwhile, Investment division’s responsibility is to manage underlying asset for each investment products based on specific strategy outlined on Collective Investment Contract to achieve goal that has been set by the investors. Last but not least, Operations Division. Its main responsibility is to provide support to Marketing & Product Development and Investment Division to carry out their job. Operations Division is comprised of Fund Administration, Fund Settlement, Accounting & Tax, Legal & Compliance, and Human Capital unit.
BTIM’s source of business mainly comes from institutional customers, but the number of retail customers keeps on growing and will become a potential future business, even though in current condition the contributions from retail customers are still marginal.
In this era, every organizations are faced with these following realities:
- Competition is getting tough. New competitors keep on coming.
- Commoditization (me too product). Uniqueness is short-lived.
- Shrinking revenue due to price pressure from competitions.
- Talent war. Great talent is rare and easily hijacked.
- Especially for Indonesian company, they are quite lagged behind in technology implementation. Cost is usually the main constraint.
- If you are given a challenge to bring more success to BTIM to expand its business and profit, what would you do? And why? (Weight: 20%)
- Particularly for Operations Division:
- Describe the operational strategy that you will take to support the business! (Weight: 40%)
- Explain how you will utilize technology for business and in conjunction to talent war issue! (Weight: 40%)
- Tulis esai menjawab pertanyaan di atas.
- Buat kami terkesan dengan resume / CV Anda yang diperbarui
- Kirim kedua dokumen dengan subjek: SHPOPRBTIM ke
Catatan:Hanya lamaran lengkap (CV + Esai) yang akan dipertimbangkan.
Official Info
Mohon persyaratan dan tata cara pendafataran dibaca dengan baik termasuk syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan.Batas Akhir 24 Januari 2020.