PT Angkasa Pura Support - Penerimaan Untuk Posisi Human Resources Staff Angkasapura Airports Group January 2020

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PT Angkasa Pura Support , karir PT Angkasa Pura Support , lowongan kerja 2020, karir PT Angkasa Pura Support - Morning enthusiasm for all job seekers, here is information on job vacancies coming from one of the companies engaged in supporting airports in Indonesia, namely:PT Angkasa Pura Support - PT APS or known as  "Angkasa Pura Support" is a reputable airport supporting services company in Indonesia. Angkasa Pura Support operates primarily as a supporting company for the aviation industry and engaged in the provision of facilities or services. Its business includes engaged in services, construction, land transportation, workshop, printing, and trade. Based in Jakarta, PT Angkasa Pura Support is a directly-owned subsidiary company of state-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero). As today,  PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) - or known as Angkasapura Airports Group - holds 99.61% shares in Angkasa Pura Support. Other 0.39% remaining shares in Angkasa Pura Support were owned by PUSKOPKAR Angkasa Pura I. PT Angkasa Pura Support was formed to supports Angkasapura Airports Group in order to provide the best services to the passengers or visitors of airports which manage by Angkasapura Airports Group. Angkasa Pura Support now supported by 13 branch offices where Angkasapura Airports Group operates throughout Indonesia. Its head office is located at Gedung Center for Excellence, Jl Tabing No 16, Kemayoran Jakarta 10610.Angkasa Pura Support registered a 38.22% growth in total assets of Rp810.80 billion in 2017 as compared with Rp586.59 billion in 2016. Referring to its annual report, total revenue grew by 38.51% from the previous year, from Rp734.81 billion in 2016 to Rp1,017.80 billion in 2017. For total net profit, Angkasa Pura Support recorded growth by 62.49% in 2017 to become Rp 145.56 billion as compared with Rp92.04 billion in 2016.
In order to strengthen its business fundamentals, PT Angkasa Pura Support currently seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following positions

Human Resources Staff (Code : 00001-PC2002-999)

  • Male / Female (Preferably Male).
  • Maximum age of 30 years old.
  • Hold a minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Psychology/Law.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale) from a reputable university.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in Human Resources Generalist.
  • Good operating skills of Microsoft Office.
  • Willing to be placed outside of Java area.
  • Have good knowledge about employment law (UU no 13 th. 2003 Ketenagakerjaan) and other related issues.
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

For more information, please refer official source from PT Angkasa Pura Support on following the link below. Should you meet the qualifications required, please register and apply to Angkasa Pura Support e-Recruitment website with a link as follow and clicking apply in preferred position.
Apply Online
Latest date 13 January 2020.All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.