Halliburton Indonesia - Penerimaan Untuk Electronics Technician , Field Professional Reservoir, Technical Professional Completions December 2019

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Halliburton Indonesia , karir Halliburton Indonesia , lowongan kerja 2019, lowongan kerja Halliburton Indonesia 2019
cdcindonesia.com -Morning enthusiasm for all job seekers, the following is information on job vacancies coming from one of the companies engaged in the world class multinational oil sector, namely:Halliburton is one of the world's largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. With approximately 50,000 employees, representing 140 nationalities, and operations in approximately 70 countries, the company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the lifecycle of the reservoir – from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction, completion and production optimization.We promote and encourage competency development as both a career tool and a professional essential. We are the only full-spectrum energy services company with full competency accreditation for positions in all of our product service lines and support functions worldwide.
We also offer a variety of specialized development opportunities for employees with leadership potential.

Electronics Technician I - Balikpapan

  • Skills are typically acquired through completion of an Associate degree or 2 year vocational training in electronic technology or equivalent.
  • Must possess a valid driver's license.

Field Professional Reservoir Evaluation Associate - Jakarta

  • Skills acquired through an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Physics, Geology, or Math.
  • Certification as an Engineer-in-training is desirable.
  • This is the entry level position for this discipline.

Technical Professional Completions, Associate - Jakarta

  • Requires the ability to analyze well site data in real time, using complex technologies such as software simulators and the latest electrical and mechanical equipment.
  • Undergraduate degree required - acceptable degrees are: All engineering, Engineering Technology, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, & Chemistry.

Technical Professional Completions, Associate - Jakarta

  • Requires the ability to analyze well site data in real time, using complex technologies such as software simulators and the latest electrical and mechanical equipment.oil
  • Undergraduate degree required - acceptable degrees are: All engineering, Engineering Technology, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, & Chemistry.
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

Those who are interested please apply to links below.
Technician-Reservoir Evaluation-Completions1-Completions2
Recruitment process is free of charge. Beware of recruitment scam.Halliburton is an Equal Opportunity Employer.