PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) - Penerimaan Untuk Posisi Corporate Affairs Secretary SUCOFINDO November 2019

Daftar Isi
PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), karir PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), lowongan kerja PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), lowongan kerja 2019 - Morning enthusiasm for all job seekers, the following information on the following job vacancies came from survey companies in Indonesia, namely:PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (Persero) - PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) or known as "SUCOFINDO" is a leading state-owned inspection and supervision services company in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. SUCOFINDO has core business competencies in inspection and audit services, testing and analysis services, certification services, training, and consultation services. As a state-owned company, SUCOFINDO is majority-owned by the Government of Indonesia. As of December 2017, PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) is 95% owned by the Government of Indonesia which represented by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) and the other 5% remaining shares were owned by Societe Generale de Surveillance Holding SA (SGS SA). With services in all parts of Indonesia, SUCOFINDO now has 28 branch offices, 32 service units and 46 laboratories spread all over Indonesia. SUCOFINDO also supported by 1 SBU Laboratory at Cibitung Bekasi and 1 Laboratory at Surabaya East Java.In terms of financial performance, the performance of SUCOFINDO is showing good results in the business year of 2017.
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, now PT SUCOFINDO (Persero)  is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of

Sekretaris 3 - Bagian Corporate Affairs

  • S1 in all majors (preferably Secretary) with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Indonesian citizens (WNI) with a maximum age of 25 years old.
  • Required experience for at least 1 year.
  • Single and willing to not get married for 2 years since being accepted as a Non-Permanent Employee.
  • Good looking with a minimum height of 165 cm.
  • Skilled in operating computer (Ms. Office, Excel, and Power Point), as well as IT equipment that supports work.
  • Placement in Jakarta.
  • Willing to be placed and assigned in all work areas of SUCOFINDO.
  • Never been dishonorably discharged as an employee of a government or private agency.
  • Not have a family relationship with the employees SUCOFINDO.
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

For further information, please refer official source from SUCOFINDO on following link below. If you are interested and meet the requirement that needed, please register and sign in to SUCOFINDO e-recruitment website with link as follow.
Latest date 24 November 2019.All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.