PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) - Penerimaan Untuk SLTA, D3 DAN S1 Sumber dari Jobfair UNS Tahun 2019
Daftar Isi
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currently we are opens opportunity for the best Indonesian citizens to join and pursue the career at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), with the following criteria and requirements:
Bachelor Degree General Medicine and Dentist
- Male / Female
- Diploma 4 / Bachelor degree in General Medicine, Dentistry
- Minimum height 160 cm for male and 155 cm for female
- Required documents: profession diploma and transcript, undergraduate accreditation certificate, identity card, undergraduate / diploma 4 diploma and transcript, registrtion certificate
Bachelor Degree Human Resources / Human Resources Development
- Male / Female
- Diploma 4 / Bachelor degree in Human Resources Management, Law, Psychology
- Minimum height 160 cm for male and 155 cm for female
- Required documents: undergraduate accreditation certificate, identity card, undergraduate / diploma 4 diploma and transcript
Bachelor Degree Public Relations
- Male
- Diploma 4 / Bachelor degree in Visual Communication Design, Multimedia
- Minimum height 160 cm
- Required documents: undergraduate accreditation certificate, identity card, undergraduate / diploma 4 diploma and transcript
Diploma 3 Public Relations
- Male
- Diploma 3 in Visual Communication Design, Multimedia
- Minimum height 160 cm
- Required documents: diploma 3 accreditation certificate, identity card, diploma 3 diploma and transcript
Diploma 3 Nurse / Midwife
- Male / Female
- Diploma 3 in Nursing, Midwifery
- Minimum height 160 cm for male and 155 cm for female
- Required documents: diploma 3 accreditation certificate, identity card, diploma 3 diploma and transcript, registration certificate
Railroad Special Police / Polisi Khusus Kereta Api
- Male
- High School (SMA / MA) graduate in Natural Sciences (IPA), Social Sciences (IPS) / Vocational School (SMK / MAK) graduate in Mechanical, Automotive, Electricity
- Minimum height 165 cm
- Required documents: identity card, SMA / SMK / MA diploma and UAN transcript
High School IT and Building
- Male
- Vocational School (SMK / MAK) graduate in Building, Civil, Software Engineering, Computer Technology, Networking
- Minimum height 160 cm
- Required documents: identity card, SMK diploma and UAN transcript
High School Machinist / Train Captain
- Male
- High School (SMA / MA) graduate in Natural Sciences (IPA) / Vocational School (SMK / MAK) graduate in Mechanical, Automotive, Electricity
- Minimum height 165 cm
- Required documents: identity card, SMA / SMK / MA diploma and UAN transcript
High School - Facility
- Male
- High School (SMA / MA) graduate in Natural Sciences (IPA) / Vocational School (SMK / MAK) graduate in Mechanical, Automotive, Electricity
- Minimum height 160 cm
- Required documents: identity card, SMA / SMK / MA diploma and UAN transcript
- Indonesian citizen
- For High School / Vocational School graduate minimum UN / UAN average score is 7.0
- For Diploma 3 graduate minimum GPA 2.95 with department accreditation grade B
- For Bachelor degree minimum GPA 2.95 with department accreditation grade A
- Age by October 1, 2019:
- For High School / Vocational School graduate minimum 18 years old and maximum 25 years old
- For Diploma 3 graduate minimum 20 years old and maximum 27 years old
- For Bachelor degree minimum 21 years old and maximum 30 years old
- Physically and mentally healthy
- Well-behaved
- Not involved in drugs or psychotropic substances abuse
- Not tattooed; and not pierced for male
- Never been sentenced to prison based on a court decision that has permanent legal force
- Never been dismissed at PT. KAI subsidiary or other institution due to disciplinary punishment
- Willing to be placed in all work areas of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
- Willing to resign from a employment relationship with other institution if declared passed the selection process
Bagi calon pelamar yang berminat mengikuti rekrut sesuai formasi, persyaratan dan ketentuan yang ditawarkan, wajib hadir dengan membawa PERSYARATAN LAMARAN pada
Acara : UNS Solo Job Fair XX
Hari, Tangga : Rabu – Kamis, 25 – 26 September 2019
Waktu : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat : Auditorium dan Gedung Student Center Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) – Solo
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.
Those who are interested please download application procedure at link below.
Official Information
Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.