PT Angkasa Pura Solusi - Penerimaan Untuk Posisi Technician, SPV Operation Maintenance Angkasa Pura II Group September 2019

Daftar Isi
PT Angkasa Pura Solusi, karir PT Angkasa Pura Solusi, lowongan kerja PT Angkasa Pura Solusi, lowongan kerja 2019 - Morning enthusiasm for all job seekers, here is the information on job vacancies coming from one of the companies engaged in supporting the airport in Indonesia, namely:PT Angkasa Pura Solusi - APS or known as PT APSolusi is a reputable services company in Indonesia, based in Jakarta and has core business competencies in providing services in airport facilities. PT APSolusi operates primarily as a services provider in airport facilities. PT APSolusi has strong business focus in 5 business pillars ; Retail, Passenger Service, Facility Services, Digital and Aviation Security. PT Angkasa Pura Solusi is a directly-owned subsidiary company of PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), a leading state-owner airport management services company in Indonesia. As today, PT Angkasa Pura Solusi is 99.997% owned by PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) or Angkasa Pura II Group and other 0.003% remaining shares in PT APSolusi was owned by Luthfi Edrus.PT APSolusi's principal office is registered at Terminal F Arrival Hall, Room F9P67 Soekarno-Hatta Airport Jakarta 19120. As today, PT APSolusi has been operating in 15 airports managed by Angkasa Pura II Group.PT Angkasa Pura Schipol is a joint venture company with a 50/50 shareholding between PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) and Schiphol Management Services BV. The name of PT Angkasa Pura Solusi officially launched in 2011 after Schipol International BV agreed to transfer its 14.999% shares to PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero).
Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Angkasa Pura Solusi is seeking urgently qualified candidates of employee for the position of

Teknisi Operation & Maintenance

  • Male, age around 25 - 35 years old
  • Minimum Vocational High School or equivalent (SMK/STM), majoring in Electrical / Mechanical.
  • Have a minimum of 1-2 years experience in the same position.
  • Preferably domiciled in Greater Jakarta.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Have basic knowledge about generator set, substation, medium voltage network and low voltage.
  • Able to operate a computer, minimum Microsoft Office (Word and Excel).
  • Willing to work shifting.
  • Willing to be placed in the entire work area of PT Angkasa Pura Solusi.

Supervisor Operation & Maintenance

  • Male, age around 25 - 40 years old
  • Minimum 2 years diploma program (D2), majoring in Electrical / Mechanical.
  • Have a minimum of 4 years experience in the same position.
  • Preferably domiciled in Greater Jakarta.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Have basic knowledge about generator set, substation, medium and low voltage power grid, electrical panel, UPS, rectificer and system control.
  • Able to operate a computer, minimum Microsoft Office (Word and Excel).
  • Able to communicate well.
  • Able to work in team.
  • Have a leadership spirit .
  • Willing to work shifting.
  • Willing to be placed in the entire work area of PT Angkasa Pura Solusi.
Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

For more detail information, please refer official source from PT Angkasa Pura Solusi on following link below. If you are interest and meet the requirement that needed, please register and submit your application directly to PT Angkasa Pura Solusi e-recruitment website with link as follow.
Apply Online
Latest date 25 September 2019.All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.