Penerimaan Sekolah Kedinasan Tahun 2019
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Quoting information from the National Civil Service Agency (BKN), in accordance with the SesmenPANRB letter no. B / 393, concerning Official School Acceptance In 2019, there are thousands of seats opened from a total of 8 K / L that have educational institutions.
Kedelapan K/L tersebut adalah
Kementerian Keuangan (PKN STAN), Kementerian Dalam Negeri (IPDN), Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (STSN), dan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (POLTEKIP dan POLTEKIM).Kemudian Badan Intelijen Negara (STIN), Badan Pusat Statistik (POLITEKNIK STATISTIKA), Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (STMKG), dan Kementerian Perhubungan (11 Sekolah Tinggi, POLTEK dan Akademi).
Berikut daftar alokasi penerimaan di masing-masing instansi:
1. Kemenkeu/PKN STAN 3.000 official stan
2. Kemendagri/IPDN 1.700 official IPDN
3. BSSN/STSN 100 official STSN
4. Kemenkumham/Poltekip-Poltekim 600 official kemenkumham
5. BIN/STIN 250 official STIN
6. BPS/STIS 600 official STIS
7. BMKG/STMKG 250 official BMKG
8. Kemenhub: 11 sekolah tinggi, poltek, akademi 2.676 official kemenhub
Online registration and official information at and can be viewed on the web and social media for each K / L / school. This official school is prepared to be part of the government, aka Pegawai Negeri Sipil(PNS).