Telkom Indonesia - Recruitment For Great People Internship Program (GPIB) February 2019

Daftar Isi
Telkom Indonesia , karir Telkom Indonesia , lowongan kerja Telkom Indonesia , lowongan kerja 2019, karir Telkom Indonesia - In the morning, all the job seekers, the following information on job vacancies from one of the companies engaged in the state-owned telecommunications sector, namely:Telkom Group is the only state-owned telecommunications enterprise as well as telecommunications and network service providers in Indonesia. Telkom Group serves millions of customers throughout Indonesia with a complete range of telecommunications services that includes fixed wireline and fixed wireless connections, mobile communications, networking and interconnection services and Internet and data communication services. Telkom Group also provides various services in the field of information, media and edutainment, including cloud-based and server-based managed services, e-Payment services and IT enabler, e-Commerce and other portal services.

Telkom Group invites the nation's best talent in the industry to join together to realize Telkom as King of Digital in The Region, the king of telecommunication and digital services in the air, land, and at sea. Telkom continues to digitize the entire process, innovating to provide the best customer experience and implement lean and agile organizational transformation to achieve competitive advantage and reliable digital capabilities.

Great People Internship Program (GPIP)

  • Great People Internship Program (GPIP) is a certified internship program from Telkom Indonesia that is open to Vocational School (SMK), Diploma, Bachelor and Master graduates. GPIP was launched to increase knowledge, abilities, skills and work environment introduction to apprentices with the best mentors guidance in all the best areas of Telkom Indonesia.
  • GPIP is a form of Telkom's concern to help prepare talents who have added value by giving the skills to apprentices to be better prepared to enter the work world and make positive contributions while working anywhere.

Field of Work

  • Fields of work that can be studied during the internship program include 4 fields: Sales, Marketing, Telecommunication, and Information Technology.

Location & Time

  • Internship opportunities opened in Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur / Bali / Nusra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi / Kawasan Timur Indonesia and other cities determined by Telkom. Implementation time for 6 months and can be extended a maximum of once period.
  • GPIP admission selection is local according to the city chosen.

Quota by City

  1. Pematang Siantar: 1 position(s)
  2. Batam: 3 position(s)
  3. Palembang: 2 position(s)
  4. Pekanbaru: 3 position(s)
  5. Bandar Lampung: 3 position(s)
  6. Pangkal Pinang: 2 position(s)
  7. Serang: 1 position(s)
  8. Tangerang: 2 position(s)
  9. Bekasi: 1 position(s)
  10. Bogor: 3 position(s)
  11. Karawang and surrounding area: 9 position(s)
  12. Bandung and surrounding area: 28 position(s)
  13. Cirebon and surrounding area: 9 position(s)
  14. Sukabumi and surrounding area: 21 position(s)
  15. Tasikmalaya and surrounding area: 9 position(s)
  16. Semarang and surrounding area: 6 position(s)
  17. Pekalongan and surrounding area: 4 position(s)
  18. Purwokerto and surrounding area: 2 position(s)
  19. Solo and surrounding area: 3 position(s)
  20. Kudus: 1 position(s)
  21. Magelang and surrounding area: 3 position(s)
  22. Yogyakarta and surrounding area: 3 position(s)
  23. Malang: 7 position(s)
  24. Jember: 4 position(s)
  25. Madiun: 4 position(s)
  26. Pamekasan: 3 position(s)
  27. Sidoarjo: 6 position(s)
  28. Kediri: 3 position(s)
  29. Bangkalan: 3 position(s)
  30. Nganjuk: 3 position(s)
  31. Sumenep: 2 position(s)
  32. Pasuruan: 6 position(s)
  33. Denpasar: 10 position(s)
  34. Singaraja: 5 position(s)
  35. Kupang: 5 position(s)
  36. Lombok: 4 position(s)
  37. Balikpapan: 11 position(s)
  38. Muara Jawa: 2 position(s)
  39. Tanah Grogot: 2 position(s)
  40. Landasan Ulin: 2 position(s)
  41. Banjarbaru: 3 position(s)
  42. Banjarmasin: 6 position(s)
  43. Martapura: 2 position(s)
  44. Marabahan: 2 position(s)
  45. Penajam: 2 position(s)
  46. Samarinda and surrounding area: 8 position(s)
  47. Pontianak and surrounding area: 5 position(s)
  48. Kuala Kapuas and surrounding area: 3 position(s)
  49. Tarakan and surrounding area: 5 position(s)
  50. Makassar: 15 position(s)
  51. Menado: 4 position(s)
  52. Palu: 5 position(s)
  53. Kendari: 6 position(s)
  54. Ambon: 3 position(s)
  55. Sorong: 3 position(s)
  56. Jayapura: 3 position(s)
  57. Jakarta and surrounding area: 120 position(s)
  58. Surabaya: 2 position(s)


  • Apprentices who meet the requirements and pass the selection will get pocket money, work skills training in the field of apprenticeship, internship certificate (in accordance with applicable terms and conditions), health insurance, work accident insurance and apprenticeship final incentives.

Only applicants who meet the requirements and pass the selection will be processed further.

GPIP Requirements

General requirements include:
Indonesian Citizen

  • Graduates of Vocational School (SMK), Diploma, Bachelor (S1), Master (S2) with a maximum graduation period of 1 year
  • Minimum 18 years old and maximum 25 years old by January 31, 2019
  • Has completed the study period by attaching a diploma or Certificate of Graduation (SKL)
  • Not married
  • Not have work experience
  • Have Health Certificate
  • Meet administrative and health requirements, and pass in selection

How to Register

  • Register through the link below
  • Select the desired work field
  • Complete the curriculum vitae on the available form
  • Complete requirements documents, such as:
    • Graduation Certificate (SKL) or latest Diploma
    • A valid Health Certificate from Puskesmas / hospital
    • National identity card
    • Passport size photograph

The company will process applicants who meet the requirements above. Information related to the selection process can be viewed only on the GPIP program official website
Grow Beyond Your Capabilities

Telkom Indonesia never collected fees at all stages of the GPIP selection. Only applicants who meet the requirements will be processed. Information related to the selection process can be viewed on the site at link below and only sent via email

Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

Those who are interested please apply to link below no later than February 6, 2019.
Application will be treated strictly confidential and only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.