PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali - Recruitment For Fresh Graduate Direct Shopping Program PLN Group December 2018

Daftar Isi
PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali , karir PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali , lowongan kerja PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali , lowongan kerja 2018 - The enthusiasm of all the job seekers, the following is information about job vacancies that come from one of the companies engaged in the energy sector, namely:PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali - PJB is a reputable electricity power services company in Indonesia. PJB is a strategic subsidiary company of state-owned electricity power generation company PT PLN (Persero) or PLN Group. As of December 2017, PLN Group holds 99.99% shares in PJB and other 0.01% remaining shares in PJB was owned by YKP PLN.
In line with its continued expansion program, PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows
  1. Direct Shopping Recruitment PLN Group SMA/SMK 2019 PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali
  2. Profesi Operasi Pembangkitan
  3. Profesi Administrasi - Logistik
  4. Profesi Kesekretariatan
General Requirements
  • Education background
    • SMK Mechanical / Machinery (Profesi Operasi Pembangkitan)
    • SMK Administration / Management / Office Management (Profesi Administrasi - Logistik and Profesi Kesekretariatan)
  • Male for Profesi Operasi Pembangkitan.
  • Preferably Male for Profesi Administrasi - Logistik.
  • Single/not married and willing to not get married during education/training period.
Other requirements
  1. SMA/SMK Final Year Students
    • Minimum average report card value score in 1st - 5th semester
      • Productive Subjects ≥ 75
      • Mathematics Subjects ≥ 75
      • Bahasa Indonesia Subject (only for Administration / Non Engineering) ≥ 75
    • Age
      • Born in 1999 - 2002 and is a final year student / will graduate in 2019
  2. SMA/SMK students who have graduated
    • Minimum average report card value score in 1st - 6th semester / X - XII grade and UASBN score
      • Productive Subjects ≥ 75
      • Mathematics Subjects ≥ 75
      • Bahasa Indonesia Subject (only for Administration / Non Engineering) ≥ 75
    • Age
      • Born in 1998 - 2001.

Note: Ingin mendapatakan informasi langsung dari email kami untuk lowongan kerja CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, dan bidang lainnya silahkan, mendaftar disini.

For more detail information on the requirement, please refer official source from PLN  on following link below. If you feel that you can meet the qualification and up to the challenge, please register and submit your application directly through PLN e-Recruitment website with link as follow
Closing date 21 December 2018.All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.