Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia - Penerimaan CPNS Tahun 2017

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Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia, karir Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia, lowongan kerja Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia, lowongan kerja 2017
Rayapos - The morning spirit of all job seekers, the following job vacancy information came from one of the state high institutions in Indonesia, namely:The Supreme Court of the Republic Indonesia (Mahkamah Agung ) based on the Decree of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy Reform No. 29 of 2017 dated July 7, 2017 on the needs of Judge Prospective Civil State Apparatus (ASN) Employees in the Supreme Court Environment in Fiscal Year 2017, opens career opportunity for Indonesian citizens who have the integrity and high commitment to be a
Judge who will assigned to three jurisdictions under the Supreme Court throughout Indonesia, through Judge Candidate recruitment with the following terms:

General Formation
  • Judge Candidate of General Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 907 positions
  • Judge Candidate of Religious Court: Bachelor's degree in Sharia / Islamic Law / Law: 543 positions
  • Judge Candidate of State Administrative Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 34 positions
Cumlaude Formation
  • Judge Candidate of General Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 103 positions
  • Judge Candidate of Religious Court: Bachelor's degree in Sharia / Islamic Law / Law: 62 positions
  • Judge Candidate of State Administrative Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 3 positions
Papua and Papua Barat Specific Formation
  • Judge Candidate of General Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 20 positions
  • Judge Candidate of Religious Court: Bachelor's degree in Sharia / Islamic Law / Law: 11 positions
  • Judge Candidate of State Administrative Court: Bachelor's degree in Law: 1 position
  • Total: 1684 positions
  • Indonesian citizen
  • Devoted to the God Almighty
  • Faithful, and obedient to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and NKRI
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Well-behaved and never convicted of imprisonment based on a court decision that has been legally binding
  • Never dismissed with respect not at his / her own request or not with respect as a Civil Servant / TNI / Polri personnel
  • Not a Civil Servant Candidate / Civil Servant / TNI / Polri personnel
  • Have an educational qualification in accordance with the requirements above
  • Graduated from study program with minimum accreditation grade B
  • Minimum GPA 2.75 of 4.00 scale (for general formation, and Papua and Papua Barat specific formation only)
  • The best graduate (cum laude / with honors) (for cumlaude formation)
  • Age 22 - 32 years old by Desember 1, 2017
  • Graduated from elementary school up to senior high school in Papua or Papua Barat; or the applicant father is a native of Papua or Papua Barat (for Papua and Papua Barat specific formation only)
  • Moslem and able to read and understand kitab kuning (Judge Candidate of Religious Court only)

CAT Test Locations
  1. BKN Pusat di Jakarta
  2. Kanreg BKN I Yogyakarta
  3. Kanreg BKN II Surabaya
  4. Kanreg BKN Ill Bandung
  5. Kanreg BKN IV Makassar
  6. Kanreg BKN VI Medan
  7. Kanreg BKN VII Palembang
  8. Kanreg BKN VIII Banjarmasin
  9. Kanreg BKN IX Papua
  10. Kanreg BKN X Denpasar
  11. Kanreg BKN XI Manado
  12. Kanreg BKN XII Pekanbaru
  13. Kanreg BKN XIII Aceh
  14. UPT BKN Padang
  15. UPT BKN Jambi
  16. UPT BKN Kendari
  17. UPT BKN Mataram
  18. UPT BKN Serang
  19. UPT BKN Gorontalo
  20. UPT BKN Semarang
  21. PT / PTA Nusa Tenggara Timur
  22. PT / PTA Kalimantan Timur
  23. PT / PTA Kalimantan Barat
  24. PT / PTA Kalimantan Tengah
  25. PT / PTA Bangka Belitung
  26. PT / PTA Maluku Utara
  27. PT / PTA Sulawesi Tengah
  28. PT / PTA Lampung
  29. PT / PTA Maluku
  30. PT / PTA Bengkul

Note: It matters to prepare for entrance CPNS 2017 TEST, please click here

Those who are interested please download official info at link below. Online registration will be opened at the second link on August 1-26, 2017.
Official Info - Apply Now
Recruitment process is free of charge. Beware of recruitment scams.