PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) - Recruitment For D3, S1 Junior Staff, Senior Staff INKA March 2017
Daftar Isi
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To achieve the company vision; to be a world class company in railways and urban transportation i Indonesia, PT Industri Kereta Api (Persero) are looking for candidates for following positions:
Welding Engineer (WLE)
- Male.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Welding Engineering.
- Able to read shop drawing.
- Possess certification in welding engineer.
Quality Engineer (QEN)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Welding Engineering, Civil Engineering.
- Mastering Auto Cad and able to read shop drawing.
Senior Staf Export - Import (SEI)
- Male/Female.
- Minimum S1 all disciplines.
- Strong understanding about the process and procedures of export and import.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
Senior Staf Desin Grafis (DGF)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Informatics Engineering, Graphic Design.
- Mastering graphic design software: Auto Cad, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.
Senior Staf Manajemen K3 (MK3)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Public Health.
- Strong understanding about Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3).
- Possess expertise certification K3 Umum.
Junior Staf Logistik (LOG)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Management.
- Strong knowledge and good understanding about purchasing, inventory and procurement procedures.
Juniro Staf Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi (PPP)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering.
- Strong understanding about production control and process.
- Mastering MS project.
Junior Staf Teknologi (TEK)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Welding Engineering, Civil Engineering.
- Mastering Auto Cad and able to read shop drawing.
Junior Staf Information Technology (IFT)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Informatics Engineering.
- Mastering Windows Server and Networking.
- Expertise with installation and troubleshooting of computer and other hardware and software.
- Mastering programming language and IT product development.
- Mastering SAP.
Junior Staf Legal (LGL)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Law.
- Strong knowledge and good understanding of corporate law and business law.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
Junior Staf Akuntansi (AKT)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Accounting.
- Able to prepare and analyze financial statements.
- Mastering accounting software.
Junior Staf Quality Control (QLC)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Informatics Engineering.
- Strong understanding and able to create inspection sheet.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
Junior Staff Marketing (MKT)
- Preferably Male.
- D3/S1 Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Management.
- Able to estimate the price and marketing concept.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
Junior Staf Public Relation (PRS)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Communication/Multimedia.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
Junior Staf Human Resource (HRS)
- Male/Female.
- D3/S1 Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Human Resource Management, Administration.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills.
- Maximum age of 30 years old (Junior Staf) and 35 years old (Senior Staf) on 1 April 2017.
- Minimum 3 years of experience (Junior Staf) and 6 years of experience (Senior Staf).
- Fluent in English (active and passive).
- Have a good health, not color blind and drug-free.
- Well-behaved and never involved in crime
- Application should contains the below documents :
- Curriculum Vitae/CV with a maximum of 2 sheets;
- Scan of personal photo with blue background;
- Scan of Indonesian KTP;
- Scan of diploma/certificate of graduation;
- Scan of transcript;
- Scan of medical certificate;
- Scan of SKCK;
- Scan of statement leter;
- Scan other certificate(s) or working reference (optional).
- Note : All documents above must be compressed in Zip file format / Rar file with a maximum file size of 2MB.
Note: Want to join our email list in order to get a job from different fields, CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, and others, please click here.
For more detail information on the requirement, please refer official source from INKA on following link below. Should you are interested and qualified, please register and submit all required application documents above to (15 - 24 March 2017).source
Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.