Politeknik Negeri Cilacap - Recruitment For Technician, Staff, Lecturer NON CPNS Politeknik Cilacap October 2016

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Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, karir Politeknik Negeri Cilacap, lowongan kerja 2016, lowongan kerja cpns 2016
cdcindonesia.com - The spirit of co morning all job seekers, the following job information coming from one of the companies engaged in the field of education, namely:Politeknik Negeri Cilacap - Politeknik Cilacap or Cilacap State Polytechnic is a rapid growing state-owned vocational college (Polytechnic) in Indonesia, based in Cilacap, Central Java Province. Politeknik Cilacap is located at Jl Dr Soetomo No 1 Sidakaya, Cilacap 53212. The college was established in 2014 with the legal basis the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No 102 of 2014.

Due to strengthen its team, Politeknik Negeri Cilacap invites qualified candidates to fullfill the position as follows

Dosen Program Studi Teknik Listrik

  • Master Degree (S2) in Electro Engineering.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Have competencies in the field of electricity.
  • 5 positions available.

Dosen Jurusan Teknik Mesin


  • Master Degree (S2) in Mechanical Engineering with the areas of expertise in Manufacture, Design, Material or Energy (linear).
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Candidates with teaching experience at least 1 year is preferred.
  • 6 positions available.

Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan (PLP) Program Studi Teknik Informatika


  • D3/D4 in Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Expertise with computer networking.
  • Expertise with programming based on web/desktop/mobile.
  • Expertise with database programming.1 position available.

Teknisi Sarana Prasarana Perkantoran


  • Bachelor Degree (S1) in Civil Engineering.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Possess expertise certification is preferred.
  • Have experience in the related field.
  • Able to create design of buildings and constructions
  • Able to calculate the Budget Plan.
  • Operating knowledge of AutoCAD, Solidwork and other related drafting application.
  • 1 position available.

General Requirements

  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Drug free.
  • Maximum age of 35 years old.
  • Not being in a bond / contract with any party.
  • Able to work in a team.

Application should contains the below documents :

  1. Application letter, addressed to Direktur Politeknik Negeri Cilacap - Jl Dr Soetomo No 1 Sidakaya Cilacap;
  2. Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts;
  3. Copy of KTP;
  4. Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  5. Color photograph 4x6 (2 sheets);
  6. Drug-free certificate;
  7. SKCK.

Note: Want to join our email list in order to get a job from different fields, CPNS, BUMN, Perusahaan Swasta, Multinational Company, and others, please click here.

For further information, please refer official source from Politeknik Negeri Cilacap on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please send all required application documents above not later than 5 October 2016 to Direktur Politeknik Negeri Cilacap - Jl Dr Soetomo No 1 Sidakaya Cilacap.source
Only shortlisted candidate will be proceed on the next step.