PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk - Recruitment For SMK, D3 Operator Indofarma August 2016

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PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk - Recruitment For SMK, D3 Operator Indofarma August 2016 -The following job opportunities come from one pharmaceutical company in Indonesia, namely:PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk - Indofarma is a reputable state-owned pharmaceutical and healthcare company. Indofarma running business in the field of production and distribution or pharmaceutical and healthcare products. Indofarma is a public-listed company and is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) under reference INAF (listed since 2001). Currently, the majority of Indofarma’s shares are owned by the Government of Indonesia (80.66%) and the remaining is held by the public (19.34%). Indofarma is based in Bekasi West Java and now supported by 2 subsidiary/affiliated companies, namely PT Indofarma Global Medika and PT Farmalab Indoutama.
To meet the rapidly business growth, PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk is calling young smart people to seize theese career opportunities

Operator Mesin (Code : OMP)

  • Male.
  • Not older than 27 years of age.
  • Education : SMK - D3 Mechanical Engineering.
  • Strong understanding about basic CPOB.
  • Hands-on technical experience in operating machine is preferred.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Not color blind.
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For further information, please refer official source from Indofarma on following link below. To apply for this opportunity, please send your application letter, CV, copy of diploma, copy of transcript, and latest photograph size 3x4 not later than 12 August 2016 to (application letter addressed to Bidang SDM PT Indofarma (Persero) Tbk - Jl Indofarma No 1, Cikarang Barat, Jawa Barat 17530 Phone 88323971).source
Please download Indofarma Application Form here.Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.