Universitas Terbuka - Recruitment For D3, S1 TKT Contract Staff Non CPNS UT June 2016

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Universitas Terbuka - Recruitment For D3, S1 TKT Contract Staff Non CPNS UT June 2016
cdcindonesia.com - We continue back job information coming from one of the state universities, namely:Universitas Terbuka - UT or later known as Indonesia Open University is one of the most reliable and leading Indonesian state-university which applied a distance and open learning systems. The University is wholly-owned by the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Indonesia Open University is the 45th state university in Indonesia. UT was established as a Government-owned university UT was founded in 1984 under the Presidential Decree No 41 of 1984. Indonesia Open University has its legal domicile in South Tangerang and its head office is located at Jl Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, South Tangerang Banten 15418. Indonesia Open University now has 39 Distance Learning Program Units (UPBJJ-UT) spread across Indonesia.
Due to strengthen its team, Universitas Terbuka is pleased to announce the following vacancies for immediate recruitment

Teknisi ICT

  • D3/S1 in Informatics Engineering, Information System, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics Management.
  • A minimum final GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 grade scale.
  • Placement at UT's head office.
  • 2 positions available.

ICT Programmer


  • D3/S1 in Informatics Engineering, Information System, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Informatics Management.
  • A minimum final GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 grade scale.
  • Placement at UT's head office.
  • 1 position available.

Teknisi Akuntansi

  • D3/S1 in Accounting.
  • A minimum final GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 grade scale.
  • Placement at UT's head office.
  • 1 position available.

Teknisi Statistik

  • D3/S1 in Statistics.
  • A minimum final GPA of 2.75 on a 4.00 grade scale.
  • Placement at UT's head office.
  • 1 position available. 
General Requirements
  • Maximum age of 35 years old on 31 December 2016.
  • Minimum accredited B (corresponding to year of graduation) with a certificate of accreditation department from the college.
  • Open minded and creative.
  • Able to work overtime.
  • Able to work hard with the team.
  • Have a good organizational management skill.
Application should contains the below documents (in 2 copies) :
  1. Latest color photograph 3x4 (red background, 4 sheets);
  2. Copy of ID Card;
  3. Handwritten Cover Letter in striped paper folio with Latin letters using black ink and signed by the applicant (no stamp duty), addressed to Rektor Universitas Terbuka, Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418 (download here);
  4. Legalized copies of diploma and transcripts (each 1 sheet);
  5. SKCK;
  6. Medical certificate from government hospital;
  7. Drug-free certificate from government hospital;
  8. Statement letter : willing to be placed in accordance with the formation of the placement that was signed on the stamp Rp. 6000 (download here);
  9. Curriculum Vitae (download here).
Application file using colored folders
  • Red for Teknisi ICT.
  • Green for ICT Programmer.
  • Brown for Teknisi Akuntansi.
  • Blue for Teknisi Akuntansi.
Note: Butuh soal-soal untuk memepersiapkan diri masuk perusahaan CPNS 2016, silahkan klik disini

For more detail information on the requirement and how to apply, please refer official source from Universitas Terbuka on following link below. To apply, please send all required application documents above to Rektor Universitas Terbuka Bagian Kepegawaian - Jl Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan 15418.All applications close on 24 June 2016, 15.00 WIB.source
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.