PDAM Kabupaten Demak - Recruitment For D3, S1 Fresh Graduate Staff PDAM October 2015

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PDAM Kabupaten Demak - Recruitment For D3, S1 Fresh Graduate Staff PDAM October 2015
cdcindonesia.com -The spirit of fellow job seekers all morning, the following job information comes from one of the companies engaged in the field of drinking water and is a reputable regional water company in Indonesia, based in Demak Regency Central Java Province, that is Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Demak or PDAM Kab Demak.The company profile you can see as follows.PDAM Demak was established in 1978 under the Local Regulation No 1 of 1978. According to PDAM Kab Demak's company profile 2012, PDAM Kab Demak as a provider of water services agencies have service areas spread over 8 districts of the 14 districts in Demak Regency. PDAM Kab Demak now has 1 head office in Jl Sunan Kalijaga 64 Demak, 3 branch offices (Bonang, Mranggen, and Wedung), and 3 unit offices (Karanganyar, Mijen, and Wonosalam).
To support its progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Demak is looking for talented people and the best candidates to join as positions below:

General Requirements
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI), Male/Female as evidenced by a copy of a valid ID card or Certificate of Identity Card (KTP Sementara) and has been legalized by the Department of Population and Civil Registration;
  • Aged 18 to 34 years per 30 September 2015;
  • Not status as civil servants (PNS), members of the TNI / POLRI / BUMN / BUMD;
  • Good character as evidenced by SKCK of local police;
  • Physically and mentally healthy as evidenced by the Government Medical Certificate;
  • Legalized copies of academic certificate and transcripts;
  • Graduates PTN / PTS minimum accredited B with GPA of at least 2.75;
  • Copy of certificate of work experience (if any).

Required application documents
  • Hand written cover letter with black ink on striped folio paper;
  • Color photographs 4x6, not wearing glassess (6 sheets);
  • Legalized copy of ID Card or or Certificate of Identity Card (KTP Sementara);
  • SKCK;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Hand written curriculum vitae (CV);
  • Legalized copies of academic certificate and transcripts;
  • Copy of certificate of work experience (if any).

  • The requirements above must included in the stopmap paper with the provisions 
  • S1: red stopmap paper.
  • D3: yellow stopmap paper.

Note:For those of you who want to join and get information bumn/bumd company in 2015, can be please register here.

For further information, please refer official source from PDAM Kabupaten Demak on following link below. If you match the profile and are interested in this exiting career opportunity, please submit directly all required application documents above on working hours to PDAM Kabupaten Demak - Jl Sunan Kalijaga No 64 Demak.For official information you can see through the official information.Info
Closing date 16 October 2015.All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be contacted for next process.