PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Recruitment ForTKKWT Staff Pos Indonesia (D3, S1, Fresh Graduate) October 2014

Daftar Isi
lowongan kerja PT Pos Indonesia 2014 - The spirit of co morning all job seekers, the following job information coming from one of the leading postal delivery service company in Indonesia and is the national postal company of Indonesia and is fully-owned by the Government of Indonesia, that is PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) or Pos Indonesia.This company profile at a glance you can see the following.PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) also supported by 4 subsidiaries/affiliates, namely PT Bhakti Wasantara Net, PT Pos Logistik Indonesia, YPBI and Indonesian Postal of Polythecnic, and DAPENPOS. In terms of financial performance, Pos Indonesia reached significant performance with booked solid growth in 2012. Pos Indonesia successfully recorded its total comprehensive income of Rp214,000 million, an increase of 47.60% (yoy) from the previous year, total sales volume surged by 13.94 percent to Rp 3,453,000 million.
To support the performance of the company and increase profits in 2015 more optimally,PT Pos Indonesia (Persero)  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Helpdesk Layanan Pospay

  • Male, minimum age 20 years and maximum age of 28 years old.
  • Minimum D3 majoring in Informatics.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75.
  • Willing to work in shifting system.
  • Preferably having working experience.
  • Placement : Pospay Division - Head Office with contract status (TKKWT). 
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above,please submit your application letter along with CV, copies of diploma and trancripts, copy of ID Card, recent photograph 3x4 (2 pieces), medical certificate, Police Records (SKCK) and drug free certificate to VP Pengelolaan Karir dan Asesmen SDM Kantor Pusat PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) - Jl Cilaki No 73 Bandung 40115 Cp Mrs Emmy Sihombing or Mrs Yulian Puspitasari Phone 022-4206195 ext 343.For information about registration procedures and procedures you can see through the official
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process.