PT Gudang Garam Tbk - Recruitment For Head of Warehouse Unit (S1,S2) December 2013- January 2014

Daftar Isi
lowongan kerja gudang garam 2013 - We send the information back to your job following coming back from one of the companies engaged in the production of cigarettes and is the country's second largest cigarette producer which is already establised since 1958, that is PT Gudang Garam Tbk or Gudang Garam.Profile for this company as you can see below.PT Gudang Garam Tbk is based in Kediri East Java and offers a wide range of kretek cigarettes products, including traditional hand-rolled kretek, low-tar, and low-nicotine variants. At present, the Company has 2 production plants, located in Kediri and Gempol Pasuruan, both in East Java.PT Gudang Garam Tbk has shown encouraging achievements in 2012, according to the PT Gudang Garam Tbk Annual Report 2012, PT Gudang Garam Tbk was able to expand sales by 17% to Rp 49.0 trillion in 2012.
To support production growth in 2014 and improve the already good performance before, PT Gudang Garam Tbk  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

Kepala Unit Gudang Bahan Baku Pembantu dan Barang Jadi


  • Min S1 Industrial Engineering / Accounting
  • Max. age 32 years old
  • Experience: Min. 5 years of organizing and controlling the activities of Warehouse Materials and Finished Goods (products) on a large scale as well as supply
  • Familiar with Computer and Active in English
  • Work Location: Pasuruan
For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above,please feel free to apply online through the official website of JobsDB.apply
Please read the requirements properly. Only candidates with appropriate qualifications and requirements will be processed for the next selection.