Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia - Recruitment For Staff FK UI ( D3, S1) November 2013

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lowongan kerja november 2013
cdcindonesia.com - Good night fellow all, we want to convey the following information to your job that came from one of Indonesia's leading public universities and a medical faculty in University of Indonesia, that is Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia or FK UI.For information about the Univeristy primarily for medical faculty as you can see below.Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia was established in 1950 as a merger results of Medical College of Republic of Indonesia and  Genesskundige Faculteit. The Faculty is based in Jakarta and situated in Salemba Raya 6, Jakarta 10430. At present, FK UI providing courses at the undergraduate (S1), International Class Undergraduate, Master (S2), Specialist and Doctoral (S3) levels.
To support the performance of faculty and can run operations optimally, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

For those of you who are interested in the position to offer the above vacancy,please for registration and procedures and other requirements needed can be viewed through the official website of CDC UI.info
Closing date 30 November 2013. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially.Please refer to the requirements and procedures for the registration to read properly.