PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja - Recruitment For Fresh Graduated Program Pusri (SMA, SMK, D3, S1) September 2013

Daftar Isi
lwoongan kerja 2013 - Good morning all of you, we want to convey the following to you. Job following information comes from one of the companies engaged in the field of agriculture and a leading firms in integrated fertilizer business, including industry, trade and service of fertilizer, petrochemical, agrochemical, agro industry and other chemicals, that is PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang or Pusri.Here you can see the company profile as follows.PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is a part subsidiary company of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), the Indonesian state-owned holding company in fertilizer industry. Pusri owned 4 Urea Plants with total installed capacity of 2,262,000 tons per year and 4 Ammonia Plants with total installed capacity of 1,499,000 tons annually. According to Pusri's latest annual report (Annual Report 2012), the Company maintain consistency in making positive performance with booked total net profit of Rp1.29 trillion, increased by 16% compared to Rp1.11 trillion in 2011.   
To support the performance of the company and increase its profit, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang job opening for the position and the following requirements:         

Requirements for S1
  • Bachelor Degree (S1)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (for majors with accreditation A), 3.00 (accredited B & C).
  • Maximum age 28 years old.
  • Not color blind (total or partial) for S1.
  • Male for Major: S1 Chemical Engineering , S1 Mechanical Engineering, S1 MIPA Mathematics
Requirements for D3
  • Diploma 3 (D3)
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 (for majors with accreditation A), 3.00 (accreditation B & C).
  • Maximum age 25 years old
  • Not color blind (total or partial)
  • Male for majors: D3 Mechanical Engineering, D3 Electrical Engineering / Electrical, D3 Instrument Engineering, D3 Automotive Engineering, D3 Chemical Analyst, and D3 Information Management
Requirements for SMA/SMK
  • Male
  • SMU/MAN majoring in IPA or SMK for SL-PRD.
  • SMK (Mechanical / Automotive / Electrical / Instrument / Chemical Analysis), in accordance with the proposed vocational fields.
  • Only for SMA/SMK from South Sumatra province, except for the formation of SL-ANK (School of Chemical Analyst).
  • Passing score on average 7.00.
  • Age between 18-20 years for SMA / SMK, except for the SMA/SMK who has experince max 35 years old and maximum age for the formation SL-ANK of 22 years old.
  • Not Married to SL-PRD, SL-MSN, SL-OTM, SL-LIS, SL-INS and SL-ANK.
  • Have experience in their respective expertise of at least 1 year and preferably have a certificate of expertise (SMA/SMK experience).
  • Preferably not in college.
  • Not color blind (total or partial).
  • No glasses / contact lens.
  • Minimum height 160 cm.
For those of you who are interested in the job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above, please apply and refer to the procedure as well as registration procedures through the official recruitment website of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang.apply
Closing date 14 September 2013.All applications will be treated as strictly confidential.Please requirements and procedures for registration procedures properly read.