PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) - Recruitemnt For Engineering, Non Engineering (S1, Fresh Graduate) June 2013

Daftar Isi -Good day fellow all we wanted to convey the following job information coming from one bumn company which is engaged in the production of fertilizers and one of the largest fertilizer manufacturers in Indonesia, which was founded in 1959, that is PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang or Pusri.Job openings that make us passionate to tell you this before, but once we submit our will to clearly explain the company profile for this company.The Company engaged in industry, trade and service of fertilizer, petrochemical, agrochemical, agro industry and other chemicals. PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is a part of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), the Indonesian state-owned holding company in fertilizer industry. Pusri domiciled and headquartered in Palembang South Sumatera. Based on Pusri Annual Report 2012, the Company maintain consistency in making positive performance. Pusri’s net profit in 2012 amounted to Rp1.29 trillion, increased by 16% compared to Rp1.11 trillion in 2011.  
To achieve the company vision, These companies improve the quality of human resources and invite those of you who want to be a professional to fill position vacancies by position and the following requirements                  


For ITS and Unair
  • Indonesian Citizen
  • Have a good health (physically and mentally)
  • Willing to be placed throughout the company's operations
  • Maximum age 28 year old by 1 June 2013
  • Only allowed to apply to one area of expertise
  • Min GPA of 2.75 (for majors with accreditation A) and 3.00 (for majors with accreditation B) with the minimum passing in 2012
  • Not color blind (total or partial) for majors S1
  • Male for ST-KIM, ST-MSN, ST-ELK, SN-KKR, SN-KMR (Undip)
  • Male for ST-KIM, ST-MSN, ST-MTL, ST-ELK, ST-FIS, SN-KMR (ITS and Unair)
How to apply
  • For Undip : please send your applications letter with legalized copy of academic certificate and trancripts (SKL welcome) to BAGIAN KESMA BAK UNDIP TEMBALANG - Jl Prof Soedharto, SH Kampus Tembalang – Semarang.
  • For ITS and Unair :  please send your applications letter with print CV SISAC (User ID SAC), 3x4 photograph (1 sheet), legalized copy of academic certificate and trancripts (SKL welcome) to PPK/SAC - ITS Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya 60111.

For those of you who are interested in the job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above, please feel free to rules and procedures concerning job openings are available online through the official information.undip-its
Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. Closing date 25 June 2013.