Bank Indonesia - Recruitment Untuk S1 dan Fresh Graduate Bulan Mei 2013

Daftar Isi
lowongan kerja 2013 - Good day all of you, hopefully this hot air and where you are not dampen your spirit to learn and achieve goals you want to accomplish.Outstanding job good and exciting of these Bank Indonesia  because of the salary we ever post in April 2013.We hope this information is helpful job your job following information comes from one of the state agencies that are engaged in monetary policy and is has been operating in Indonesia since 1953 as a nationalization results of a a Dutch bank dating from colonial times namely Bank of Java or De Javasche Bank, that is Bank Indonesia or BI.Outstanding job good and this excites me because of the huge salary we never post in April 2013.Although so because we want you to know about this agency, we will be explained as follows. The main tasks of Bank Indonesia comprises of 3 (three) major fields, including Monetary, Payment System, and Banking.  Bank Indonesia operates 37 branch offices in major cities across Indonesia and also supported by 4 overseas representative offices located in Singapore, Tokyo, London, and New York. Since May 2013, Agus Martowardjojo become a Governor of Bank Indonesia,  replacing Darmin Nasution.
To oversee and maintain the monetary policy and the stability of the rupiah, Bank Indonesia invited to join the best graduates to fill the positions and requirements as follows:


General Requirements
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) with minimum GPA of 3.10 (4.00 scale)
  • Min score in main course (core) B
  • Maximum age 25 years old
  • Preferably have experience in activities on campus (University / Faculty)
  • Fluent in English
  • Does not have a record of behavior / discipline violation
  • Faculty / Program:
  1. Agribusiness
  2. Accounting
  3. Economic Development
  4. Business Administration
  5. Law/Legal Studies
  6. Management
  7. Mathematics
  8. Statistics
Documents Required
  • Legalized copy of diploma or S1 graduation certificate
  • Legalized copy of academic transcripts
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Original valid police record certificate (SKCK)
  • Latest 4x6 colored photograph (2 sheets)
  • Copy of certificate of TOEFL, IELTS, non-formal education courses (if any)
For those of you who are interested in job offered by k, please for procedures and application procedures can be found via the official website of Job Placement Center Universitas
Please for the registration procedure can be considered properly and benar.Hanya best candidates to be processed for the next selection.Please be aware of recruitment scam. Bank Indonesia will never ask for fees or upfront payments for transportation, accommodation and any purposes during the recruitment process.